Saturday, May 30, 2009

Marley and Me.

Last week i had a baby. a little precious boy about the size of a peanut. i've watched Marley and Me about 100 times since coming home from the hospital and it still makes me cry. maybe it is something in that movie about a couple growing old, having kids, realizing life wasn't panning out the way they expected, and a two year old toddler Manoah- i mean dog named Marley- that doesn't want to obey. I feel tired, my body is in recovery, my house is too small, and i am secretly wondering how i am going to do this when Sam goes back to work in 2 days. and tears fill my eyes because i know i can't in any sort of beautiful way survive life right now on my own. and i guess i've just wanted everything to be done well- to fit into some sort of pretty package and have others admire this mom who has it all together. and how do i be me and a mom and be connected to God and people and my husband and friends and kids? what does a true integrated life look like? and i suppose life just isn't panning out all the ways i imagined it would. i've been in my pjs for a good few days straight and i don't want to change. three things i guess... one- maybe i haven't really embraced what it means to be a mom, two- maybe i am becoming who God wants me to be, three- i love my life- even though it wasn't the way I planned it to be. I guess in some way i am becoming more okay with my messy heart and messy house- yet there is still some serious resistance. so this is a messy blog but i am running on little sleep. i'll end with a quote from my new favorite movie, "life is way better than i planned it- i'm kind of done with planning." - Jenny Grogen.


MacD Kids said...

Hey there :) I just wanted to say hi and let you know I've gotten your comments in the past and so appreciated your words and encouragement! Sounds like you could use some! Don't gage ANYTHING off these first few weeks (or lets be honest, YEAR!) of having two. It is a whirlwind and crazy, but the fog will lift and you will see clearly again. I think having my second is really when my clear journey down the road of 'fully embracing my new life as 'mom' truly began' and yet 3 years in to 'mommy of two' about to become 'mommy of FOUR' I still seem to keep tapping my toes back into my dreams of what I 'thought life would look and feel like'. It is definitely a journey, but God is ALIVE and carrying us through it. So, I guess I just thought I'd say hi and congratulations on your new baby! And hopefully offer you a little encouragement :) - Katie

Kelli Henderson said...

Good to hear from you again, Anjuli. And congratulations on a beautiful new baby boy! First off..Marley and Me? Yeah..wept, absolutely SOBBED through the last 45 minutes of that movie. Perhaps it's because of hormones, or maybe the story of a sweet and real family, but probably mostly because I am the proud owner of two dogs who have stolen my heart in a very real way. Ugh..that movie was horrible. ;) As for your home and transition into a new chapter...I pray you find grace for yourself. Grace to know that God has so many wonderful things planned despite your efforts, and that nobody really cares what your house/life looks like. Seriously...they don't. (I have to remind myself of that everyday) I will be looking forward to hearing of your new mommy adventures and learning from your deep and kind spirit as I venture into mommy-hood. Thanks again for your honesty! (and go take a bath if you can!!)

reney said...

Anjuli, you are a great Mom!!! Just to let you know, I just had the chance to mop my floor yesterday. ;o)

These past 7 months of having baby #2 has taught me a lot...that my house doesn't have to be perfect! I pick it up, it's just gonna be messy again cause I got the 2 1/2 year old running around throwing it down! Shay told me, you don't want your kids to remember you as their mom who cleaned their house, you want them to remember you as a mom who reads to them, takes them to the park, bakes with them, tickles get the idea.
Take the help that's being offered around you ok?
By the way, I texted you last week...can I bring your dinner...or even just a cup of joe and some donuts. Just let me know!
Love yah...

Mackenzie said...

i love your honesty, anjuli. i know its not easy but it is refreshing and real and that is more valuable than an easy life, at least in my opinion. i have been thinking of you a lot and praying for you...please let me know when you are ready for visitors. rachel and i would love to come bring you a meal and just spend some time with you and your two little guys one day...

love always, kenz

the nibbling marmot said...

Your post brought this to mind: "The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe."

I'm excited for you as you walk into a new adventure on your path- I'm not sure if life is ever what we had hoped or planned... and I think you're right about that being a good thing.

Sending love your way. Can't wait to meet Sam.

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