To answer that question is a difficult thing... i'm physically still here in my little old home in Escondido and my heart has been- lets just say on a journey. These past few months have been filled with sadness, grieving, and all kinds of joy. A furthering journey into the heart of Jesus' love for me. and although this path can at times be still and confusing, i am present with Jesus as He unfolds the tangles in my insides. I apologize to all who have kept checking here for a post to only see the same words and pictures on the screen. I'll be better :) I've started a photography business Photorange Photography, been growing a baby in my belly, and trying to teach my two year old not to hit, share, and to be nice to doggies. As for projects here are two that i am post here for you today...
Rachel, my dear friend, who put together my photography website charged me next to nothing and an art project in exchange for her work. So i made her a quilt from beautiful Amy Butler fabric. Thanks Rach- love you! check out my
photography website!
The ring on tied to the blanket is hand engraved by a fabulous artist i found on

Here was my Christmas gift to Sam. Frames filled with our story since getting married almost 4 years ago. I know it is hard to see, but each frame holds the significant events from each year of marriage. My mom gave me good advice which was to keep track of each year of our marriage so that when we are old and have lost our memory we can remember our love story. thanks mom!

Peace, love, and more blogging to come!